Bermectine ®1.8% EC

Active ingredient: Abamectin 1.8 %
Bermectine is a leading acaricide/insecticide on a wide variety of crops. With its exceptionally low dosage rate, it has a very good fit in IPM/ICM programs, not affecting populations of beneficial insects. Low residues in harvest fruit and vegetables make it an ideal choice for growers to produce to the highest demand set by the food chain for low residues.

Bermectine acts mainly by ingestions but also has contact and translaminar activity meaning that the active ingredient passes into the leaf tissue forming a toxic reservoir of abamectin that continues to kill pests as the feed on the mesophyll tissue. Ingestion of abamectin results in rapid paralysis and subsequent death of insect and mite pests.

Bermectine an excellent fit into Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs as its low use rates reduces the amount of chemical in the environment.

Bermectine has short PHI and therefore can be used close to harvest with little disruption to harvesting schedules.

Bermectine has low residues and therefore little or no chance of an export being rejected for exceeding the import tolerances.

Treated plants: Fruit trees, vegetables and field crops .

Compatibility: Prior to use, check the compatibility lists and perform a test on that crop.


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